What is Regenerative?

Previously, we understood that the ‘Sustainability’ was grounded in the 3Rs:

Reuse: to utilize again.

Reduce:  to minimize the use of non-degradable items which might become a global burden over millennia, like plastics.

Recycle: to repurposing used materials to make them beneficial again.

However, ‘Regenerative’ elevates this concept, emphasizing the restoration of entire systems and not merely prolonging the life of current resources. It focuses on holistic connections, eyeing a prosperous future where resources aren’t just conserved, but lost or depleted ones are rejuvenated and expanded. It’s the solution our society and environment urgently need.

The reality is that everything might come and go, becoming obsolete if not needed. Yet, overlooked valuable aspects might sometimes just require revisiting and reevaluation. For instance, plankton, often overlooked by many, plays a significant role in underwater ecosystems.  We cannot truly rejuvenate them, if we unrecognizing these interdependent systems,

It’s time for ask ourselves, where do we fit in this system? 

If you see yourself as an insignificant part, reliant on others, you’ll understand that you’re a piece of a vast life system. Past years ago have made it clear that we cannot conquer the formidable force of nature.

Regenerative or Sustainable? 

Marc Buckley, a practitioner in Regenerative approaches and a sustainability representative of UN SDG, elaborates that ‘Regeneration’ isn’t a novel concept. Visionaries like Leonardo da Vinci have recognized it for over five decades. His works revolves around understanding life’s interconnections and the necessity to restore our relationship with nature, ensuring long-term survival and prosperity.

Sustainable Action

Marc also views ‘Sustainability’ as the art of preservation, emphasizing responsible resource management to ensure environmental richness remains unharmed. The Brundtland report of the United Nations provided various definitions, but at its core, sustainability aims to strike a balance between human needs and the planet’s capability to provide resources.

He concludes that while ‘Regenerative’ encompasses ‘Sustainability,’ it delves deeper. Regenerative focuses on the robust restoration of natural systems. It’s not just about evading the global warming crisis or mere survival but moving towards a state even better than the original. “The concept might be the starting point, but the spirit of being a guardian, a restorer, and a caretaker of the environment is truly essential.”

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